
It had taken me about two days to understand the grid of Manhattan: its Streets, Avenues, Upper, Lower, East and West and how they intersect. I had gotten lost too many times. Finally, I could visualise the Island and navigate my way around it with some success. I began to appreciate why a yellow cab...
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As I sat on the plane I marvelled at how I was on my way to New York with Uma, a Semple client. What began as a throw away remark while we were having an indulgent coffee after a ‘bootcamp’ gym session one Saturday, turned into brand Semple arriving in New York during Fashion Week...
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Braving the -9 degree temperature in order to jump a train from Manhattan to Brooklyn was definitely worth the trip. The cold and the long travel didn’t matter when we saw the entrance of the museum. I wasn’t quite sure why Jean Paul Gaultier decided to present his retrospective exhibition out of town, but once I stepped inside,...
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Keeping in the fashion loop is essential to enjoy the essence of whatever metropolis you visit. That doesn’t necessarily mean following the crew but staying tuned into what the locals have to say, especially when it comes to food. Heading downtown, in the middle of the Soho district, there is a hidden gem that has...
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