
Who do you turn to when you have a problem or an issue you need advice with? Do you ponder it over yourself and shy away from troubling others with it? Do you talk it over with your other half, or reap the benefits of your parents’ wisdom to determine the best course of action?...
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Fashion has always sought inspiration from pop culture so it is not surprising that what we watch has an impact on the way we dress. But there was one TV show in particular that changed the relationship between TV and fashion forever; Sex and the City. Since then many small screen hits have spilled over...
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As a single woman, my loathing of Valentines Day is more often than not put down to my significant lack of a significant other to share said romantic day with. But contrary to this belief my avid dislike of the pimped up, sugar coated commercial holiday is in fact a lot more deep rooted than...
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