With the release of Cinderella just around the corner, it’s no surprise that the true subject of any Cinders related discussion is revolving around ‘the’ shoes. Overshadowed by it’s fancy footwear, the fairytale has only given us the slightest longing of a childhood spent chasing our Disney princess dreams. As now that we live in reality, we know that prince charmings are hard to come by, and fairy tale endings even harder. So rather than go in search for a knight in shining armour, it seems a far more satisfying mission to get the shoes, and then maybe the man will follow after. If we even need him at all while we’re conquering the world in our courts?
Shoes are the great love of our lives in reality, and that’s what so many of these films are helping us to realise. Our eight year old selves would most likely strongly disagree, believing that it’s all about the princess dress, but the shoes as we all know is where the true love story lies. Helping us stand tall when the going gets tough, and giving us the confidence to strut our stuff when we feel like we’d rather be tucked up in bed with Netflix.
No matter your film, as a shoe lover there will no doubt be fancy footwear involved. Two girls arguing over the last pair of shoes in the shop, Dorothy and the Wicked witch weren’t the first ones. Being proposed to with a Manolo Blahnik, now that might be a first! Of course a shoe love story isn’t always about designers. When looking to these films it’s easy to see that the essence of the story lies within the shoe. The fragility of love and uncertainty in what the future has to hold is delicately portrayed in Cinderella’s glass slipper, and how could you not tell the magical journey of Dorothy without a sprinkling of glitter. A shoe is far more than meets the eye.
But like with some of the best fairytales, the shoe love story always begins with love at first sight. Whether it’s passing a shop window and spotting a stiletto, or stumbling across a strappy sandal whilst online shopping. Unfortunately the impracticality of it all means that glass slippers are rare to find, but beautiful shoes are a plenty. So the next time you’re going through a journey of your own, what shoe style will represent your moment?
By Lizzie Benton