The summer of 2014 is shaping up to be the summer of open air Cinemas. Now this isn’t exactly a new or unique concept, companies like Film4 have been doing it from the early noughties. But this year we’re seeing a boom in smaller, independent companies offering this experience in a vast number of venues across the country. My sister and I took our mum to see chick-flick classic Dirty Dancing at Caversham Court Gardens in Reading, with Cult Screens and it was amazing. Not only were the kitsch deck chairs comfy but the audience was engaged and unafraid to let out the odd cheer, scream and wolf whistle (mostly at the frequently topless Mr Swayze.) It seems by breaking down the boundaries of the conventional cinema setting you also break down the code of conductand audiences interact with the film in a whole new way.’. The open air cinema experience maybe a ground-breaking concept but one that will unfortunately only be possible in the fleeting summer months, so grab the chance while you still can!


So is all the planning and booking in advance really worth it I hear you ask? In short, absolutely. Not only are these beloved classics being rightfully revived, but they are also being experienced in such a heart-warming and liberating way that we fall in love with these films all over again. With a variety of films on offer, there’s something for everyone; Romeo + Juliet for all those star crossed lovers amongst us, Grease for a fun girly night out or you can help Film4 celebrate 10 years of Summer Screen, at Somerset House this August. With favourites such as E.T, The Royal Tenenbaums and Hairspray among the line-up of their fourteen day film extravaganza tickets wont be around for long so get yours now.

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So whether you fancy laughing out loud or blubbering into your bean bags be sure to catch your favourite film this summer and catch it beneath the stars.

 My open air cinema top tips:

Get there in plenty of time, this way you’ll get the good seats

If the event allows; bring your own snacks and drinks as it can be pricey on the night

Go with friends who aren’t afraid to sing and dance in their seats

By Talia Maguire

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