A talented young illustrator currently completing her studies at Brighton University, Rosie Bishop is set to spend her summer taking commissions for her artwork and being interviewed at fashion houses such as Alexander McQueen. With a striking personal style in both her illustration and her own fashion sense, Rosie Bishop is undoubtedly a name to remember and is set to make waves at whatever she puts her hand to. Sophie Seymour caught up with this budding talent to discover more about the person behind the impressive pictures.
What were you like as a child – have you always been artistic?
I’ve always loved art and drawing, making pictures for the fridge with my glitter glue pens. My parents were both good at drawing, so they taught me a lot about depth and perception. I loved the fact that when I started school I always did well in art, just for doing work that I enjoyed.
What are you up to now, and what does this summer hold for you?
I have just broken up from university and am going to start my internship year in September, so I’m preparing my portfolio for interviews and starting various freelance work. I have an interview with McQueen in a few weeks that I’m really excited about, so I’m also working on some more drawings for that.
Which fashion designers do you most admire? Do you use their work as inspiration for your own?
McQueen’s work has always been an inspiration of mine; I love how illustrative it is. The dark colours, skulls and lavish patterning are all aspects that are reflected within my own work.
How would you describe your artistic style? How would someone distinguish your work from anyone else’s?
Although I do like to practise a variety of styles; experimenting with different media and drawing techniques, I definitely have a distinguishing look throughout my work. I tend to use autumnal colours and enjoy doing intricate detailed drawings. However, I have recently finished a geometric project in which I tried drawing in a linear style and used pattern to imitate shading.
Your work often revolves around animals; what draws you to this and what are your favourite creatures to draw?
I like drawing natural objects like animals because I like the imperfect lines and the uniqueness of each subject. I worked on a project combining both taxidermy and baroque that turned out to be some of my favourite work, mixing detailed drawings of animals with heavy elaborate patterns.
What is your own fashion sense like? Has living in Brighton affected your tastes and shopping habits?
Brighton is an amazing place to live and has taught me to wear whatever I like. It’s quite refreshing to be surrounded by such a huge variety of people that you will never feel uncomfortable or think people are judging you by what you wear. There are always amazing pieces to buy from the Lanes to keep your look unique, which I prefer to buying solely from high street brands.
Which other illustrators and print designers do you like the work of?
I love the work produced by a company I have an internship lined up with called Thornback & Peel. They have simple illustrated designs that are screen printed on to a variety of different products. I also love the interiors company, Timorous Beasties as their work is so unique, combining the beauty of hand drawn work with elaborate patterns – something that I always try to achieve in my own work.
What would be your dream project to work on?
I like working on various different projects because each time I practise new skills and create variety within my work which I think is important to keep my work fresh and to keep improving it.
What achievements have you been most proud of so far?
I am quite proud of a competition I won for an A Level textile project, where I made an ‘unconventional little black dress’ from burnt fabrics. It was exhibited at the Portsmouth museum, then was toured around Birmingham. I have also recently been shortlisted for a cycling jersey competition, where I designed a collection of vintage Italian inspired jerseys. It is currently being manufactured in China and if chosen may be mass-produced and sold in sportswear shops, including Halfords. As this is something I have never designed before I was pleased to have been chosen.
Where do you hope your career will take you?
I am unsure of where I want to end up working, but I think my year of interning will help me decide. I’d like to try working in a variety of different areas: high-end fashion, interiors and general design, so I can best decide what I’m suited to. As long as my work involves drawing I’ll enjoy it.
Rosie is currently taking commissions. For more information, including pricing and design ideas, please contact her via email: rosie-bishop@hotmail.co.uk
Interview by Sophie Seymour