As Yves Saint Laurent once said, ‘fashions fade but style is eternal’. Keeping this quote heavily in mind as London Fashion Week fast approaches, we know that not every item being showcased on the catwalk will make it to the high street. Where some designs are simply an art form, expressing the current economic feeling, others will have us swooning over them for days after, hoping that our favourite high street stores my be naughty enough to do a replica. But in a world full of fast fashion, it’s hard to know which pieces to invest in.
Spending all that money on a key item to be heart broken when it feels as stale as left over dinner come next year, is not the way fashion should work. And it’s not just the trends that leave us a little apprehensive but also the old problem of our age. If we purchase that must have item everyone’s raving about, are we simply going to end up looking like mutton dressed as lamb?
The truth is, it takes a careful eye to know what’s going to work. Essentially anyone can wear any trend as long as they know how to dress their body shape and embrace a little confidence. So here’s a few tips to make trend buying a worthy investment.
Take Your Time
Trends are tricky to say the least, and as much as we want to be the first one’s wearing them, an early adopter can often look like a fashion victim in disguise. Don’t rush into buying the closest thing that resembles a trend. Good things come to those who wait, so save your pennies for the item that will really make an impact.
Do Your Research
Like any good fashionista look around before investing. It’s not just about getting a good bargain but also for finding something that suits you the best. Discovering something unique is all part of the fashion fun, so try looking in places you perhaps wouldn’t usually such as charity shops or even your mum’s closet.
Know Your Body
Don’t force yourself into anything that you don’t feel comfortable wearing as your fashion credentials will soon come under scrutiny from the glamsquad. Ensure that any new piece fits well and makes you feel fabulous.Confidence is key to rocking an item that looks like it’s just been pulled straight from the runway.
Will It Work
When a trend catches your eye, take a long hard think about how it’s going to sit with the rest of your wardrobe. Is it going to stick out like a sore thumb, or freshen up existing pieces? Purchasing an item that’s going to need a wardrobe overhaul might be best left well alone.
All or Nothing
Of course if you really don’t care about being a style icon then just throw yourself into it without reservation. Purchasing trend pieces that encompass the style completely may lead it to being recognised one day in the future as vintage. Besides sometimes it’s more fun to break the fashion rules.