The change of season is the perfect time to have a bit of a closet clear out. You can make room for those new autumn winter purchases and rediscover some items that you haven’t seen since last year, but it can be a bit of a painful experience. Semple is here to take the pain away; follow our steps for a successful closet clear out.



If you are feeling tired or grumpy then an already painful process is only going to get worse. Plan to have a sort out when you know you have the time to do it properly or break it down into chunks; dresses tonight and then tops tomorrow. If you are feeling tired you might throw out things you don’t mean too (like your favourite going out dress) or you might hold on to things for the wrong reasons (that ridiculously ugly  jumper you have had for years).

Be honest 

Ask yourself these questions; Do I still like it? Does it still fit? Have I worn it in the last year? If the answer to any of these is no then it’s time to think about getting rid of it. If you haven’t worn it in the last year there is probably a good reason so it is just taking up valuable space. It might seem like a good idea to keep clothes that no longer fit as inspiration to get back into them but do you really need a daily reminder?  Don’t lose the motivation but move the clothes out of your wardrobe and pack away until you are ready for them again.     

Take or toss

Having ‘keep’ and ‘discard’ piles can seem too black and white so add a ‘maybe’ pile for good measure. Once you have your three piles immediately get rid of the ‘discard’ without looking back. Go through the ‘maybe’ pile again and try things on to see if you feel differently about any of them. If not, get rid – it’s time to be ruthless.


Say no to nostalgia

Sometimes clothes that don’t fit or are no longer in style can hold a certain sentimental value. If you don’t want to get rid of them altogether pack them safely away and leave them for six months to a year. You’ll free up room in your wardrobe and when you look at them again you will either wonder why on earth you kept it or feel like you have discovered buried treasure. Any items you still love can go back to pride of place in your wardrobe and everything else you can finally let go of.

Give back 

Never just throw clothes away; have a swap session with your girlfriends, give to charity or sell online. One girl’s trash can be someone else’s treasure and knowing someone else is going to make good use of that LBD that you have such fond memories of can ease the pain of giving it away.


Finally, enjoy the new space you have found in your wardrobe and start planning all the new season purchases that can fill that void.

About the author

Fashion blogger Samantha has been contributing to the Semple blog for over two years now and loves coming up with fresh ideas for her weekly posts. Samantha is an fblogger through and through and enjoys nothing more than writing about fashion, giving her the perfect excuse for extensive ‘research’ through a little retail therapy. When Samantha is not at her day job or writing for Semple she’ll most likely be found binging on Netflix, eating peanut butter or shoe shopping….sometimes all at the same time – multitasker!

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