Image: Somerset House

Somerset House has been home to the sophisticated and fabulous since the dawn of time. It is the hub of the fashion world during fashion week and now, it is attracting a new fashion crowd with it’s current exhibition ‘Making It Up As We Go Along: Twenty Years of Dazed and Confused’.

Dazed and Confused has been showcasing fresh, young British talent since it’s creation in 1991. Founded by Jefferson Hack and Rankin, the magazine strived to provide a much needed breath of fresh air for British journalism and magazine culture at the time. It’s controversial attitudes towards society and independent approach to journalism attracted a fresh young audience and caused a storm of media hype and frenzy surrounding it’s name. The hype still lives on today turning it into more than just a magazine…It is a way of thinking, a curatorial space and a platform of experimentation. It bridged different fields and even eras together in the form of sensational interviews and extraordinary artwork which featured in every issue. Figures such as Kate Moss, Bjork, Alexander McQueen and many more have graced the pages of Dazed and Confused turning it into a beacon of inspiration and hope for hundreds of people across the world.

Now at Somerset House, you can see the history of the magazine laid out in order, detailing not just the history of the magazine, but also British social history. The exhibition is held in conjunction with a new book that has just been released, showcasing in more detail the twenty years of Dazed and Confused.

The exhibition is set out in chronological order with room one featuring work from the first decade, room two featuring work from the last decade and room three featuring work from the current era of the magazine. In addition to the inspiring imagery displayed in the exhibition, there are two adjoining courtyards dedicated to the memory of Alexander McQueen whose ideas and creative direction acted as a driving force for the magazine before his untimely death in 2010.

It is a must see for anyone with an interest in fashion, journalism and of course, Pop Culture.


The exhibition is held at Somerset House and Admission is free. For more information, click here.

Grace Molan

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