Some we commit without really knowing we’re doing it, and others we’re often blissfully unaware that it’s even on the naughty list, but beauty crimes come in all shapes and sizes and do us an injustice that only we ourselves can stop. Whether it comes from picking up bad habits or the age old excuse of time, we’re putting our bodies, and our bank balances, at some risk of serious damage.
So know it or not, it’s time to come clean about your beauty crimes and release yourself from the beauty prison you’ve been banished to, because after you read these infractions you’ll be overhauling your beauty regime quicker than a shake down in Orange is the New Black.
Picking, Popping, Squeezing…
Ripe for the squeeze they may be, but when spots are popped they’re notorious for causing skin scars that can last a life time. Whiteheads, blackheads, you name it, we know they’re not pretty, and we know it can be strangely satisfying when you’ve rid your face of a few after a session in front of the bathroom mirror. But as well as the obvious health reasons, stop yourself from becoming a spot surgeon for the love of your own skin.
The amount of bacteria that sits beneath your fingernails is just being transferred onto your squeaky clean face, and once that’s done your skin will become even more prone to those angry red ones that never seem to manifest themselves. Dab on a little tea tree or lavender essential oil and just leave them be.
Overdosing on Product…
We love silky smooth hair just as much as the next Princess Kate fan girl, and we can safely say that we put our hands up to overdosing on the conditioner in a bid to have tamed, knot free tresses. But the truth is you don’t need a half the bottle!
Supposedly just a fifty pence piece sized amount massaged into the ends of your hair is all that you need. We were starting to wonder why the conditioner bottle was the same size as the shampoo, when clearly you need more conditioner?
Ignoring Best Before Dates…
It may come as a surprise to some but all beauty products have best before dates, just like our favourite foods. The trouble is, this can often be forgotten or not even taken note of, so as we continue to use our favourite products way past their best before dates, our skin can become extra sensitive and even slightly spotty as our faces begin to react to ‘gone off’ ingredients.
Not Cleaning Up…
We certainly get our money’s worth when it comes to beauty tools. Using them everyday without fail in a bid to look and feel fantastic. But days, weeks and sometimes even months can go by without us cleaning them. Cleaning your beauty tools should be done as regularly as possible.
Foundation brushes are the most common ones to become swept up in the no cleaning zone, but this one should definitely be at the top of your list. Regular rinses with baby shampoo will ensure your brushes stay fresh and clean.
Follow our tips to clean up your beauty act and you never know, you might just find yourself feeling more fabulous than when you started.