
Rosie Morgan
Power has changed hands, from employee to employer. Now, we are at their mercy and entirely alone with no help to be seen; this government doesn’t care if we’re taken advantage of, if our rights are compromised or our lives become a struggle. Junior doctors are expected to work extra hours that threaten our very...
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The first elephant I met in Thailand, venturing nervously into a wild animal’s enclosure and fairly sure I was going to die, was called Nam Chok. Back then, there were seven elephant residents at the rescue centre where I volunteered, and the day after my fifteen hour flight and hour long drive I was thrown...
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belgium brussels
I know this is a bit late, but the bombings that occurred in Brussels last week made me flinch and grind my teeth with anger. This is not how Belgium should become a household place name, it’s not how people should hear of Brussels or see its architecture, beauty and culture. I’m sad to see...
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Well, friends, it’s finally begun. That time in a person’s life, signalling their indoctrination into adulthood. I’ve been invited to a wedding. It’s not mine by the way. I’m about as far from married as it’s possible to get without being a newborn baby. But my friends are now old enough to get married, and...
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I had a minor nervous breakdown over the weekend, figuratively speaking of course. I don’t know what an actual nervous breakdown feels like, but I imagine that it’s much worse than what I went through. It began on Friday, a jittery, dark feeling that was with me when I woke up. I’m not too good...
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I’ve overcome my laziness to make more travel plans for this year. In August, I’ll be jetting off to Colombia to work with sloths in a rescue centre. By which I mean I’ll be looking after the sloths, not working alongside them. I have to pay the deposit by next week, then there’s no going...
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My first year of primary school was the last time I had a male best friend, or any male friends at all for the rest of my childhood. During my nursery and infants school years, my best friends were always boys. I got along with them better, in a simpler time before gender politics and...
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As I’ve discovered in my recent trip planning, a one way ticket to Denmark costs approximately £27.00-£96.00 depending on times, airports, companies etc. Honestly, I found it more believable that I’d read the prices wrong and that the flights cost into the thousands. In reality, I could make a round trip to and back from...
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As a person who wears jumpers her grandma knits her, I think I can safely say that I know a lot about fashion. Red’s a good colour, right? My favourite is green but try as I might I can’t find a flattering item of green clothing anywhere and I just have to accept that; you...
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I found a letter from my fifteen year old self the other day when reading through my old notebooks. Letters you write to your future self are cute and funny when from a young child; you can smile and shake your head at how silly your younger self was, even the spelling mistakes can evoke...
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