I have never really been a wearer of black. For as long as I can remember I would always opt for colour and print over dark and gloomy. I wouldn’t say my wardrobe is overly colourful, but I do love pastel and blush, neutral tones. In fact, I don’t think I even own a black jumper. I wear black jeans rarely and my leather jacket spends most of the year gathering dust – even though I admire it regularly.
While I think black looks so effortlessly chic on most people, I just don’t feel I can pull it off quite as well. Scrolling through my Pinterest style boards, my tastes are quite clearly on the more neutral end of the scale. Soft pinks and creams, mixed with pretty florals and Breton stripes. It’s relaxed, casual and effortless, in its own sartorial way.
While I don’t profess that this is the year I shall wear more black – it isn’t – I think it’s important to evaluate your wardrobe. To think about what you wore most in 2017 and what you’d like your style to be in 2018. Perhaps there’s nothing you’d like to change, or perhaps you’d like to add another dimension to your wardrobe – add more prints, for example.
Scrolling online, it seems that making style resolutions is actually a ‘thing’. So I thought I’d list a few below, just to give you a little inspiration in case you’re looking to revamp your wardrobe – and style – this year.
Wear clothes you already own
It seems such a simple suggestion, but I’m sure many of us are guilty of exclaiming I have nothing to wear!, when actually, we have a bulging wardrobe. Delve deep, have a clear-out before spring arrives, and mix and match items you wouldn’t have previously thought of – which leads on nicely to the next point:
Plan the night before
I never leave myself enough time to get ready in the mornings, which certainly isn’t helped with the early morning darkness either – so spending time putting together different outfits ideas the night before, or even at the weekend, is an ingenious and time-saving resolution I’ll certainly be adopting!
Be bold
While I confess to not wearing much black, others may only wear black. Branch out this year and opt for a little colour – or print – you haven’t tried before. Lilac is set to be a big trend this year – or, if you’re looking for something a little safer, a timeless Breton stripe is always a great place to start.
Wear trousers, not jeans
This is definitely a resolution I need to work on more in 2018. I am such a jeans gal, but I have been making a conscious effort to introduce more trouser options – the paperbag waist being a personal favourite – in a bid to break up the daily denim monotony.