
October 10, 2017
It has often been said that we are a proud nation of shoppers. We love to spend our money and be in the possession of beautiful, material things. There is certainly nothing wrong in being house proud, or wanting an expensive wardrobe or nice car, why shouldn’t we if we can happily afford it? But...
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  As I sit and type this, the wind is raging and blustering outside my bedroom window. The trees are swaying frantically from side to side as the wind whistles and rustles through them. What’s more, it is almost dark, the sun has set, and it’s only half past six. It feels as though there...
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The nights are drawing in, there’s already a distinct biting chill in the air and the once green leaves have begun to rust and fall from their branches; autumn is here. But as we battle the drizzle and prepare to head into the new season bundled up in our knitwear and looking towards Christmas, the...
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