
May 31, 2016
On Saturday a rare and beautiful creature was shot dead after an a four-year-old boy ‘slipped’ into the gorilla’s caged enclosure during a visit to Cincinnati Zoo with his family. The incident, which has triggered outcry the world over, has left us all with one harrowing and regretful question: did Harambe, the 17-year-old 450 pound...
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Recently, after a lazy morning, my partner and I decided to go for an afternoon stroll. We were walking through an open field when I looked up and saw one magpie. In a frenzy I saluted the magpie, not taking my eye of the black and white bird, willing for another one to appear by...
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As I work in our Covent Garden atelier on a marketing tactic to introduce Semple dresses to more women, I am distracted by a voice on the radio mentioning online shopping. Two years ago I wouldn’t have been so interested but now a good deal of my time is spent thinking about why women buy...
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