As we grow up, we find ourselves with different interests and enjoying different hobbies. Perhaps it was colouring or puzzles when we were 5, making and crafting when we were 7, playing house when we turned 9 or playing sport as we left primary school and entered our teenage years. These likes and hobbies continue on into adulthood too. We may no longer play with our Sylvanian Families or have time to play netball every week, but those interests remain – whether we watch it on TV or pass our love for it to our own children.

Hobbies are important. They give us an outlet outside of work and every day commitments. Allow us the time and opportunity to pursue something we enjoy, something that makes us feel good, happy and content. It may be something you can do every day, or at the weekends, or perhaps only once or twice a year, but whenever you manage to do it, it not only alleviates stress but can help with day-to-day anxieties. They offer us a different perspective too, reminding us what’s important.

For some, they may even take it one step further. Turning what was a hobby into a business; or perhaps even a career. They pursue what they love enough, that it enables them to stop doing their 9-5, or to go part-time. This is no easy feat. There is no guarantee and not always a promise of success, but sometimes the drive to spend your days doing something you love, really love, outweighs that negative voice.

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Even if that hobby or interest can’t become your full-time career, there’s no harm in making more time for it. Whether it’s illustrating – you could try selling your prints on Etsy, or baking – why not set up a local business offering delicious occasion cakes; because if it’s something you enjoy, you’ll never be wasting your time. Who knows, perhaps down the line, that hobby you discovered when you were young, could become a rather successful business as you grow older.

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