Those you’ve always had at home, maybe out of sight for ages or perhapes even unaware of them in your closet…but those which you fall in love with right away when you rediscover them one day.

This is just what happened to me when I found my mother’s vintage Chanel ruby necklace in a tiny box a few weeks ago. As a child, I would see my mother wearing this necklace she got from her mother when she was young but of course, I was too little to even know who Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel was, nor appreciate the beauty of that item. Now, I am a huge fashion enthusiast and I specially enjoy to collect garments or jewellery pieces with a story behind them, so I couldn’t help but put a big smile on my face when I saw this Chanel necklace again after so long.

That was a jaw-dropper find for me, as I immediately remembered the image of my mother wearing it back in the day, the added elegance the item attributed to her and the way she told me how important the necklace was to her not only because that was a significant jewellery piece, but mainly because it would always remind her to her close relationship with her mother…just like ours nowadays. Anytime I wear this necklace now I actually feel as elegant as I thought my mother looked like when she used to put it on and good moments with my grandmother come to mind. Three generations of women in one family attached to the same item. How lovely is that!

This Chanel necklace gives me the chance to feel my grandmother closer and to treasure the good times the three of us had together in the past. So to all the girls out there please go rummage through your mother’s jewellery box or closet and take the chance together to discover (or rediscover in this case) more than one hidden treasure with a beautiful story behind it. Pay attention to the garments surrounding you because memories are precious gems and a small piece of ornament kept for years in a dust bag not only can make us look beautiful, but can also take us back to a place or to someone we miss and love. I’ll make sure I’ll be careful enough to keep this and other items for the years to come along with the good memories they carry on with.

Girls, what are you waiting for? Go unearth your treasures!

By Isabel Lopez

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